Playlist Power Pitcher: Email And DM Templates + 20 High Open Rate Subject Lines


It is a HUGE DEAL to understand how to phrase things so that the playlist curators will actually like you and want to post you. If you know exactly what to say then you can massively spike your chances of getting them to open the e-mail AND to read your entire e-mail AND to click your link after they read the e-mail.

If you were to send an e-mail to them without this, chances are you would be like 99% of the people in my Instagram DMs… I’d like to respond but what they DM’d me doesn’t intrigue me enough to make me care to respond or listen to their music.

You have to know WHAT to say to make someone CARE or they will just skip you and move onto the next person without even giving you a listen. That’s why this is CRUCIAL.

This Unique Resource Gives You:

  • These Are ‘Copy’ And ‘Paste’ Templates Taken Straight From My $297 Playlist Power Pitcher
  • 5 Perfectly Worded Templates You To Get Playlist Curators To Take You Seriously
  • 20 High Open Rate Titles For Any E-mail Or DM So Curators Actually OPEN Your Message
  • Insider Secrets On How Music Promotion Agencies Reach Out To Playlist Curators
  • Learn What, When, Why And How To Say Things To Playlist Curators


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